
Computer World’s primary business is derived from P.O.S. sales and service. We specialize in surveillance systems, meat and produce scales as well as cash registers. We also sell P.O.S. supplies including receipt paper, ribbons, and scale labels. Our main goal is 100% customer satisfaction and will go to great lengths to achieve it.
We hope you consider Computer World for your Restaurant Systems, Camera Systems, Grocery Scale, or Cash Register needs. Call today to schedule your free evaluation and consultation.
Our team provides everything from installation of equipment to programming, on-site training of employees and comprehensive service and support after the sale.
Our line of electronic cash registers is manufactured by a global leader in electronics. CWI offers low-cost, lightweight cash registers that are ideal for businesses of all types.
In addition, we offer electronic cash register supplies including:
Paper Rolls
Ink Supplies
Wet Covers
We invite you to contact us if you need assistance or would like to learn more about any of our cash registers or related services.